‘Psychology Circle’, an association of like-minded Psychologists, aims to promote scientific practices in different areas of Psychology. It believes in taking action in order to empower individuals associated with Psychology so that the public is benefited from the best psychological services. The Circle has been taking cautious steps in promoting and empowering healthy and scientific practices in the field, thereby supporting popular and well-established practitioners in the region.
Every year the Circle conducts its annual summit titled ‘Psychology Summit’ to bring experts and learners of Psychology under the same roof. Students get to learn from the experienced psychologists of different areas and professionals get to share their insights, both of which result in fostering the fields of Psychology.
Psychology Summit 2.0 is here to let you learn extra and let others learn your extras. Let us power the community of Psychologists with our stronger bonds and righteous acts.
Get ready to ‘Tune Your Skills’!
Topic: “Tune Your Skills”
Date: 16th and 17th Feb 2018
Venue: Dept. of Psychology, Farook College, Calicut, Kerala.